Kicking things off with the graphic design team
- Author Benjy Stanton
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I went up to GDS to talk to Mark about how graphic design works on his team. And we chatted about what first steps I should take with the new graphic design team in ONS Digital Publishing.

Make your work visible
- Share patterns offline
- Pattern libraries don't have to be code based
- Create posters
- Especially key things like typographic scale and colours
- Print out work and stick it on the wall
- Print black ink on coloured paper to add colour (but keep costs down)
- Cover the environment in "good design"
- Graphic design and data visualisations might need a more extensive pattern library that is difficult to maintain – that's okay
- Maybe we do need 50 shades of grey?
British public service design
- British public service design has a strong history of great graphic design
- Look at designers like Tom Eckersley
- ONS is in a position to create some great information and editorial design
Zoom out
- Step back and look at your work
- Does it work at a distance?
- Does it work at a angle?
- Does it work on smaller screens?
- Graphic design needs to be strong enough that the hierarchy still works under pressure