Contract extensions

A weeknote starting 2 September 2024.

Extending my contract and moving a new team

I’m still waiting for written confirmation of my move to a new team. Apparently my contract is quite flexible, so I can be moved around my wider department to provide interaction design services wherever I’m needed.

But I still need a team with a need for an interaction designer and a budget to pay for one.

Alongside that I need my contract to be extended as it’s currently set to end in September. An extension until the end of April is what’s being applied for and the paperwork is starting to move.

So there’s a few loose ends that need to be tied up. I can’t really control this part of the job, which feels strange. But my managers and agency are always transparent and it allows me focus on doing design work.

Hopefully, I will find out more about the services I could be moved to next week.


Personal stuff

  • Kids went back to school this week, now 2 out of 3 kids are in secondary school!
  • Enjoyed watching Colin from Accounts series 2 on BBC.
  • Had some tragic family news this week, not really for me to go into details but life is hard, hug your loved ones.